Item Coversheet
  item type   Public Hearings   meeting date 3/9/2020
  prepared by Planning  approved by  City Manager, City Attorney
  board approval          final vote
  strategic objective    Exceptional Quality of Life, Intelligent Growth and Development, Investment in Public Assets and Infrastructiure, Fiscal Stewardship, Public Health and Safety
Request of the City of Winter Park for:

This public hearing will be held at 5:00 p.m. or thereafter.

  • Ordinance -  Amending Chapter 58 “Land Development Code” Article I, and the "Comprehensive Plan” to adopt new goals, objectives and policies of the future land use element to establish the Orange Avenue Overlay District. (2)
  • Ordinance -  Amending Chapter 58 “Land Development Code” Article III, "Zoning” to adopt a new zoning district Section 58-83 Overlay Districts (OD). (2)

motion / recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the Ordinances creating the Orange Avenue Overlay District.


The City of Winter Park has discussed the possible redevelopment of Orange Avenue
for many years, but little has been achieved. The City Commission made the creation
of a Mixed-Use Overlay District a priority in the Comprehensive Plan and also
directed staff to create a process that would bring forward a Mixed-Use Overlay

It is the intent of the Orange Avenue Overlay (OAO) District to provide enhanced
standards to protect and promote the unique characteristics of the Orange Avenue
area and create a distinct gateway into Winter Park. This Overlay District is used to
create a sense of place established through specific architectural styles, streetscape
design, open space areas, setbacks, site design, landscaping and other regulatory

The concept of Placemaking has been a major component of the Orange Avenue
Overlay creation. By using the community input that was provided as a part of the
Vision Winter Park process, the process of updating the Comprehensive Plan, and
from the Orange Avenue public input process, a vision for the area began to take
shape. Placemaking allows for a vision for an area to become a reality, creating
spaces and places for social interaction and creating memorable experiences.

What is unique about this process is that in the past, the City has relied on outside
consultants to perform most of the large-scale planning initiatives. These processes
don’t always allow for as much public participation and there is a feeling in the
community that by the time the draft document is presented, there is no real
opportunity to change the language. Additionally, the work was performed by people
who may not live and work in the community, and may not have the insight of those
who know Winter Park best.

That is why this process has been so different. This process was done completely
in-house, with City staff from various departments involved, but led by the City of
Winter Park Planning and Community Development team. Many studies have been
performed on Orange Avenue in the past, but no actual codes or actionable
documents had been created. The desired outcome for this process was to finally
create updates to codes and planning documents that would actually stimulate
thoughtful development.

Though the Planning team has great insight into the community, staff wanted an
implementable plan that would be developed by Winter Park, for Winter Park.
Therefore, a process was created that would be guided by the public from the start to
the finish.

Staff has worked with the Winter Park Community and members of the community who
provided their input or serve their community as Board or Committee member. This
Overlay process represents more than 15 months of collaboration.

Public Input
The input of the Winter Park community has been at the forefront of this planning
initiative. A great deal of public input had been gathered by past studies and
initiatives such as Vision Winter Park or the updating of the Comprehensive Plan, but
staff would start again, with the first step being public input as a part of this Overlay

First Public Input Meeting
Staff advertised and held a public input meeting on March 25, 2019, at the
Community Center. Rather than give a presentation on what staff hoped to
accomplish, this session simply had attendees give their written input on a series of
16 questions and any other input they wished to provide. Approximately 150
citizens attended this meeting and significant input was provided.

Stakeholder (2nd) Public Input Meeting
A second public input meeting was held on April 4, 2019, that centered around
gathering stakeholder input from the property owners who had properties within the
Overlay area, though the public was also invited to attend. The meeting was held at
the Welcome Center and after a brief introduction by staff, the attendees asked
questions of staff and then were invited to once again provide their written input to
the same questions from the first input meeting. Over 100 people attended this
second input meeting.

Continued Input
To increase the amount of public input, staff created a survey from the questions created
for the public input meetings, and for 2 months, asked residents to access the survey from
the City website and provide their input.

Additionally, staff created, an email address that
has remained active throughout the process to provide the public the opportunity to
provide any and all input they would like.

It has remained the intent of staff to create a process that provided enough time for
anyone who wanted to be involved, could be actively involved.

On top of public input meetings, staff has held meetings with stakeholders, property
owners, neighborhood groups, condo associations, stakeholder groups and individual
citizens throughout the months of the Overlay process. Altogether, staff met with
groups or individuals that has consisted of hundreds of hours of additional
opportunity to hear from the public about their vision for Orange Avenue.

Community Outreach
Staff continued to try to utilize creative approaches to get citizen input and to provide the
public with as much education as possible about what the Orange Avenue Overlay process
was about, and how they could continue to provide input. Press releases were created for
each step of the Overlay process.

Informational Videos
In a unique approach to the Orange Avenue Overlay District planning initiative, staff
created a number of informational videos that explained what some of the key topics were,
to make sure that the public had a clear understanding of what the Overlay process was all

The first video was about Placemaking and how a community could cast a vision, and
then make that vision become a reality. The second video was about Overlay Districts
and how they could be a helpful planning tool. The video used everyday items to depict
different elements of the built environment and how Overlay Districts can create positive
change. The third video was about Mixed-Use. The video had a number of Orange
Avenue Overlay Steering Committee members and Planning & Zoning Board members
discussing their favorite mixed-use areas in Winter Park. The fourth video showed the public process and the public input that given throughout the Overlay process. 

Orange Avenue Community Walkshop
Another unique opportunity that was created to invite the public to provide input, and to
see the Orange Avenue area from the pedestrian viewpoint was the Orange Avenue
Overlay Walkshop that was held on August 20, 2019. The walkshop invited everyone in
the community to walk as a group throughout the area that was being considered, stopping
at 10 different locations to have meaningful discussions and to share observations. Approximately 50 people attended the walkshop, and the attendees found it to be a worthwhile and new type of planning input opportunity.

Additional Public Outreach
On July 15, 2019, Planning Director Bronce Stephenson, presented the Overlay District
process and plan to a sold-out crowd at Winter Park Chamber of Commerce event, Good
Morning Winter Park. The presentation was also live streamed to social media audiences.

On October 3, 2019, Senior Planner Allison McGillis and Planning Director Bronce
Stephenson presented the Overlay District to the Winter Park Land Trust. Staff has
also held multiple discussions and meetings with various members of the Winter Park
Land Trust.

On November 6, Senior Planner Allison McGillis and Planning Director Bronce
Stephenson presented the Overlay District to the Government Affairs Committee of
the Chamber of Commerce.

On December 2, 2019, Planning Director Bronce Stephenson presented the Overlay
District language to the Winter Park Rotary Club.

On December 18, 2019, Planning staff held a public information meeting in the lobby
of the Gateway Plaza building at 1201 Orlando Ave for property owners within the
Orange Avenue Overlay area. Notice was sent to all property owners within the
Overlay District and the public was welcomed to attend as well.

On December 21, 2019, staff had a booth at the Winter Park Farmers Market to be
available to discuss the Orange Avenue Overlay District with anyone who has
questions, concerns or suggestions. Staff was at the booth from 7AM until 1PM and
had the opportunity to meet with dozens of community residents to discuss the Overlay.

Orange Avenue Overlay Steering Committee
Staff requested that the City Commission allow for the creation of a Steering
Committee, to represent the public and to guide the development of the Overlay

Orange Avenue Overlay Steering Committee Roster:
The Steering Committee had a citizen appointed by the Mayor and each
Commissioner, plus a representative from Boards and Committees that had close ties
to the creation of an Overlay District. The Committee consisted of the following
· Phil Kean, AIA – Mayor Leary Appointee
· Sally Flynn – Vice-Mayor Seidel Appointee
· Michael Dick – Commissioner Cooper Appointee
· Lamont Garber – Commissioner Sprinkel Appointee
· Sheila De Ciccio – Commissioner Weaver Appointee
· Laura Turner, AICP – Planning & Zoning Board Representative
· Bill Sullivan – Vision Winter Park Representative
· Lambrine Macejewski – CRA Advisory Board Representative
· Ben Ellis, P.E. – Keep Winter Park Beautiful & Sustainable Board
· Jill Hamilton Buss – Transportation Advisory Board Representative
· Bill Segal – Economic Development Advisory Board Representative

Over 26 weeks, the 11-member Steering Committee held a total of 13 meetings
(including the walkshop), which invited the public to attend and allowed for public
comment at each meeting. The Steering Committee covered a variety of topics over
their extensive meeting schedule. The Committee voted on the following language
that established their goals:

“The Steering Committee shall guide code language for the successful
implementation of the Orange Avenue Overlay. The language shall incorporate
the city’s Vision and Comprehensive Plan goals of creating a mixed-use district
and a gateway into Winter Park. The language shall enhance the Orange
Avenue area identity and experience, while increasing safety and mobility. It
shall provide enhanced and flexible development standards to create the
opportunity for positive and sustainable public and private improvements and
redevelopment of the area. The Committee shall make a recommendation of the
draft language to the City Commission for final approval.”

Orange Avenue Overlay District
The attached Orange Avenue Overlay Report provides the information that would typically
be discussed in a staff report, but due to the length of the document, staff would request
that the Commission review the attachments. There is thorough analysis of the process,
the public input provided, the Steering Committee process, the new codes proposed and
the timeline of the process. Please refer to the attached Orange Avenue Overlay Report
and the draft Ordinances that would create the Orange Avenue Overlay District and change
the Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the Orange Avenue Overlay District.
Commitment to Public Input, Education & Involvement.

Now that this Overlay process has reached its conclusion, there have been 19
publicly advertised meetings where the public was invited to attend, provide input,
comment or ask questions. Staff has spent hundreds of hours meeting with the
community and property owners in the Overlay area to fully understand and address
the issues that have kept this area from reaching its full potential.

Additionally, there have been 2 publicly noticed worksessions open for the public to
attend, held by the Planning & Zoning Board. Additionally, the City Commission has
held 12 publicly noticed worksessions that were open for the public to attend.

At their final meeting on November 13, 2019, the Orange Avenue Overlay Steering
Committee voted 8-2 to recommend approval of the Final Draft language, with minor
changes that were discussed at the meeting. The major topic that all members of the
Steering Committee could not agree upon was whether or not the City-owned
Progress Point property should be developed, to what scale it should be developed, and whether or not it should be used as a park.

At their meeting on December 3, 2019, the Planning & Zoning Board voted
unanimously to recommend approval of the Ordinances creating the Orange Avenue
Overlay District. The meeting minutes and the comments made by P&Z members
regarding their enthusiastic recommendation of this Overlay is attached.
Staff recommends approval of the Ordinances creating the Orange Avenue Overlay

At the January 13, 2020 and continuing to the January 16, 2020 Commission Meeting, the Commission heard a great deal of public input, held extensive discussion and made 43 amendments, with many of those amendments approved.  The Commission then voted 3-2 to approve the 1st Reading of the Ordinances with the approved amendments.


This process has been a transformative way of creating a community-based planning
process. This Overlay District was created as a result of the Comprehensive Plan
calling for a new way of exploring the creation of a Mixed-Use Overlay District. This
process was not driven by developers or in response to any sort of planned
development, instead it was based on the input of the Community and through the
guidance of a Steering Committee, the Planning & Zoning Board, professional City
staff and the City Commission. This process has included 15 months exploring the
problems that have led to the economic stagnation of the Orange Avenue Overlay
District. The findings and recommendations are based on solutions to problems that
have hurt small businesses in the Orange Avenue area for many years and led to
continued lack of revitalization. The Vision Winter Park Plan, the Sustainability Plan
and the Comprehensive Plan have been the guides to creating a new way of looking
at development in Winter Park and allowing for development bonuses to be earned,
rather than simply given through rezoning or variance. The City and the Winter
Park community worked together to create the vision for Orange Avenue. A vision
that keeps traditional scale, creates a more walkable district, creates safety for all
modes of transportation, assists small businesses, finds creative solutions to areawide
issues, ensures high-quality development, creates more open space and brings
connectivity to the area. The end result of this process will be the creation of the
next great Place in Winter Park, one the community will be proud to call their own.

State Review & Changes Since 1st Reading Approval

Per State of Florida Requirements, City staff transmitted the Comprehensive Plan Ordinance approved at the 1st Reading to following Agencies:

·       Florida Department of Economic Opportunity

·       Florida Department of Environmental Protection

·       Florida Department of Transportation - District 5

·       St. Johns River Water Management District

·       Orange County

·       Florida Department of State – Bureau of Historic Preservation

·       Florida Department of Education

·       East Central Florida Regional Planning Council

After the review of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment, the City of Winter Park received no comments or concerns from any of the agencies. 

After final review of the Ordinance language, staff made minor language tweaks to ensure that consistent language was used throughout the documents.  Only clarifying language changes were made, no substantive changes were made to the Ordinances.

The redline versions of the Ordinances are attached.  The Zoning Code Ordinance shows all changes made.  The Comp Plan Ordinance language is all underlined (per State submittal requirement), but the changes made since State submittal are redlined.

alternatives / other considerations

fiscal impact
DescriptionUpload DateType
OAO Comp Plan Ordinance Redline3/2/2020Backup Material
OAO Zoning Code Ordinance Redline3/2/2020Backup Material
1.13.20 Commission Memo3/2/2020Backup Material